Ma Do Space Way Desk

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Ma Do Space Way Desk

from $800.00

ma do
space way

間 Ma : Space, Void, Interval
道 Do: Way, Practice, Discipline

Space is at a premium.
You have lots to do.
Do lots, in a small space, while being kind to your body.

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Wall mounted work surface. Adjustable between sitting and standing heights. Fully adjustable tilt for proper ergonomics.
Articulated with high quality locking gas springs: light touch, quick adjustments, no electricity required.
Folds away flat against the wall for storage.
Optional Drawer.

The Second Law of Work Area Dynamics: Given a flat surface, in a closed system, clutter is always increasing.

Eliminate flatness, clutter falls away

間 Ma : Space, Void, Interval
道 Do: Way, Practice, Discipline